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St Matthew's Church & Local Community Links

Find out more about St Matthew's Church Links & Community Groups here.

PCC Members

Our PCC Members meet bi-monthly to discuss all matters relating to the church & the community.


The minutes of our meetings are displayed in Church 


A full list of our current PCC members can be found here.


Friends of Lightcliffe Churchyard

Our Aims:​

The sympathetic restoration, conservation and maintenance, for the public benefit, of St Matthew's Churchyard, Lightcliffe.

To ensure the churchyard is cared for in away that makes it:

a place in keeping with the function of burials, with an atmosphere of respect and commemoration for the departed;

 - a pleasant, attractive, accessible place for all visitors;
 - a haven for plants and animals;
 - a place that values and protects the local heritage.


For further details and how to get involved, visit our facebook page here 

Lightcliffe C of E School 

Occupying the same site since 1869, Lightcliffe Church of England School is a self-governing school for children aged from four to eleven. The School is proud of its long tradition and Christian ethos. With strong links to St Matthew's and the local community, the School offers 420 places and stands in its own grounds on land granted to it by Evan Charles Sutherland Walker. Endowing our School was, according to him,  not done "for any personal glorification, but from an honest desire to do good."

This commitment to education and the good of its pupils lives on in the School's mission statement: Giving all the opportunity to succeed.

For further information, including admission forms and the most recent Ofsted report, please visit the School website or email them on  directly if you would like to arrange a visit.

Diocese of Leeds

Welcome to the Diocese of West Yorkshire & the Dales – one of 42 dioceses that make up the Church of England.


Through our churches – all 656 of them – we’re at the heart of the region’s communities, serving people where they live, work and play. Driving all that we do is a faith in God that we’ve found to be life-changing. We’re ordinary people on an extraordinary journey. Why not join in the adventure?


For all the latest news and information about the Diocese, please click on the link below:

Nyamatare - Mara Diocese

Our link with the Dioceses of Mara, Rorya and Tarime is first of all about friendship – getting to know each other through letters and visits. This allows us to pray for each other by name. Then we offer support in whatever ways are possible.

Around 80 churches here have links with churches in these three dioceses. Founded on mutual prayer, they have regular correspondence and support projects such as building churches and sponsoring education. They receive as much as they give. For example, they learn about mission: the Anglican Church in Mara region is growing very fast. In 1985 there were 12 parishes; by 2010 (when it divided into three) there were 143 parishes! We can learn from them and catch some of their enthusiasm for the Gospel.

The motto of the link is BEGA KWA BEGA â€“ Shoulder to Shoulder.

These days we are especially BEGA KWA BEGA KATIKA UTUME - Shoulder to Shoulder in Mission.


Take a more detailed look at our link with Mara here 


St Chad's Parish, Hove Edge

Sunday Family Eucharist: 11am

Tuesday Eucharist: 9.30am


For enquiries, please contact the The Rev'd Kathryn Buck, 01422 202424


You can contact Rev.Kathryn directly by e-mail on our Contact Us page.

© 2015 St Matthew's Church, Lightcliffe ,all rights preserved.

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